Need 5 or more mattresses? We are offering special bulk pricing for customers looking to buy 5+ mattresses.
- Hotels & Motels
- Hunting & Fishing Camps
- Offshore Companies
- Furnished & Unfurnished Apartments
- Townhouse Complexes
- Trailer Parks
- Air B&Bs
- Low Income Housing Facilities
- Emergency Response Teams
- Addiction / Alcohol Treatment & Rehabilitation Centers
- Sober Living Facilities & Houses
- Senior Living Facilities & Homes
- Crawfish Farmers & Peelers
- Alligator Processing Plants
- Hurricane/Disaster Assistance Aid
- U.S. Army / Military / Government Programs
- Church Based Faith Groups
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Hospitals & Nursing Homes
- Victims of Disasters; Hurricanes, Fires, Bed Bug Infestations, etc.

ANYONE needing 5 or more beds will qualify for larger exclusive discounts, not available ANYWHERE else in the state of Louisiana.
Seriously... Don't pay retail prices, we have the BEST deals you'll find!
Pricing will vary depending on what you are looking to purchase, based off of several important factors, including the time of year, present day difficulties of the manufacturing industry since COVID-19, comfort levels desired, and other things.
- Wholesale inquiries must be discussed in person or over the telephone. Our account managers do not negotiate without getting a clear understanding of your needs, goals, budget, and overall plan.
- Available in-stock quantities may vary depending on the time of the year and current local consumer demand.
- If extra units had to be ordered, usually it would take between 1-2 weeks to arrive at our warehouse facility. Orders of additional models over the standard inventory levels, must be paid for upfront with a deposit of at least 60%.
- Orders over $1,500 (must be at least 5 units/sets) and above qualify for free delivery within 10 miles. Purchases $2,500 and above qualify for free delivery within a 25 miles.

Want more information?
Call or text message to (337) 761-6323 for more details, send an email to, or get in touch by using the contact us form on our webpage.
Stop by to Explore Developing Business with authentic Local Sleep Experts:
Mattress Doctor Lafayette
201 East Angus Drive
Youngsville, LA 70592Hours: Monday-Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-3